Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Post Day 1

I have in total about 40kgs to lose, thereabouts, so starting the Dukan Diet this morning I was super energised and just knew this is what's going to suit me!
I love protein. I've always said that if I could eat just protein I would be happy, and look what I can do! And to lose weight on it is even better :)

I ate a lot of protein today, yet still parts of me were craving more, I just wasnt full for a long time... then I drank water, and I felt a lot better. I managed to drink 1.5litres which was an amazing effort!

When I woke up today, on day two, I felt a little bit unsure that I could have actually lost any weight with the types of food that I had been eating. Still, I jumped on the scales to see that I had lost 2kgs! I weighed a few times, but still, 2kgs! I know I'm not going to get that result everytime, but it's a pretty good starting point!


  1. That's exactly how I felt after my first day! I'd eating all this food and thought, there's no way I could've lost weight and lost 1.5kg in the first day!

  2. 2kg in 2 days is fantastic - that's a great start, well done. I hope you do really well.
    Take care
    My Weight Loss Journey
